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with X
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Creating your profile
Once you’ve signed up, you’ll have the option to convert your account to a Professional Account. This will allow you to create a Professional Profile.
To convert your account, select “X for Professionals” from the left-side menu (swipe right to see it on mobile).
Here's what you'll need:
A profile image
Choose an image that is recognizable to your brand (logos work great!)
A header image
Think of this as your billboard or window display. Use it to share what's new or timely.
A bio
Use 160 characters to share what you do, the value you provide, and why someone should follow you.

How to grow your following
Follow and engage
Help new audiences discover your business by engaging with other accounts.
Share your @handle
Help your existing audience find you by sharing your @handle on your website, business cards, email signatures, etc.
Post consistently
Give people a reason to follow you by sharing frequently.
Your first Post
Writing a Post is like writing a text message. Aim to keep things real, conversational, and concise.
Use the icons at the bottom of a Post to easily add media — like an image, video, GIF, or poll.
Additional tips:
- If using hashtags, limit to 1-2 per Post
- Avoid writing copy in all-caps
- Consider using emojis at the end of text to add emotion
- Include a clear call-to-action where applicable (e.g. "Visit our site")

Engaging with other Posts helps build relationships and increase the discoverability of your account.
Ways to engage
"Like" to acknowledge or show support for a Post.
Repost or quote Post
Repost to share a Post you think your audience might find interesting. Select "Quote Post" to add a comment to your Repost.
Reply to chime in on a conversation or have one-to-one conversations with customers.
Include someone's @handle in your Post to loop them into a conversation.
Direct message
Privately contact an account by sending a Direct Message (DM). This can be especially useful for providing customer support.
Brand safety
Conversation settings
Choose who can Reply to your Posts: everyone, your followers, or only people you specifically @mention.
Hidden replies
Hide replies to any of your Posts that you deem abusive or irrelevant.
Where to find Posts to engage with
Use your menu to access your profile and helpful tools like Lists, Topics, and Bookmarks.
Home tab
This is your home timeline. Here, you will see Posts from accounts and Topics you follow, as well as Posts and ads likely to be relevant to you.
Explore tab
The Explore tab highlights the conversations happening at the moment. Under "Trending", you'll see the top trends and hashtags.
Measure, learn, repeat!
When you Post, you can see results in real time. This allows you to see what's working so you can optimize future Posts.

Key metrics at the Post level
- Impressions: how many people saw your Post?
- Total engagements: how many people took an action after seeing your Post?
- Video views: how many people watched your video?
- Link clicks: if you included a link in your Post, how many people clicked on it?
Key metrics at the account level
- Impressions, engagements, and link clicks over time: what trends are you seeing? Are there days or weeks that were particularly high or low? If so, why might that be?
- Engagement rate: what is the overall engagement rate of your account?
Tip: if a Post is performing well, you can accelerate its organic momentum by promoting that individual Post with Quick Promote.
Utilize analytics to learn what tone, content — even publishing times — work best for your business.