Political content

This policy applies to monetization on X and X’s paid advertising products. By offering political ads on X, you agree to the Terms for Political Ads.

What's the policy?

X permits the promotion of political advertising targeting specified countries with restrictions. 

Political ads should comply with the country specific legal requirements, election laws and applicable electoral silence periods mandates.

What's subject to this policy?

Political Content ads and Political Campaigning ads are subject to this policy:

  • Political content ads are defined as ads that reference a candidate, political party, elected or appointed government official, election, referendum, ballot measure, legislation, regulation, directive, or judicial outcome. Please note that in some jurisdictions ads in reference to a candidate, political party, elections and referendum are restricted and might be treated as political campaigning ads as applicable.
  • Political campaigning ads are defined as:
    • Ads that advocate for or against, appeal directly for votes, or solicit financial support for
      • a candidate or political party.
      • an election, legislation, referendum, or ballot measure.
    • Ads from registered PACs and SuperPACs.

How does this policy vary from country to country?

Political content ads

Political Content ads are permitted in the following countries: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States

Advertisements are subject to following restrictions:

  • Advertisers may not promote false or misleading content. This includes:
    • False or misleading information about how to participate in an election.
    • False or misleading information intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in an election.
    • False or misleading information intended to undermine public confidence in an election.
  • Advertisers must comply with any applicable laws regarding disclosure and content requirements. Such compliance is the sole responsibility of the advertiser.
Political campaigning ads 

Political campaigning ads are permitted in the following countries: Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, Panama, Peru, South Africa, United Kingdom and the United States

Advertiser Certification:

  • Advertisers must obtain pre-approval to run political ads by first getting certified through this form.

Advertisements are subject to additional eligibility, product, and targeting restrictions:

  • Political campaigning ads targeted to a country can only be bought by citizens or entities based out of that country
  • Advertisers must comply with the country specific election laws (including campaign and silent periods)
  • Political campaigning ads may only be promoted via the following ad formats: Promoted Ads, X Amplify, X Takeover, X Live, DPA, and X Ad features; no other X advertising products or units are permitted 
  • All advertisers must comply with X’s Sensitive Categories Targeting Policy. Only the following criteria may be used to target political campaigning ads:
    • Location
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Interests & Keyword
    • Custom Audiences
    • Follower Look-alikes
Political Ads Library

In order to give the public an opportunity to find out details about all political campaigning ads running on our platform, users can access the disclosure report here

Are there exemptions from this policy?

News publishers who meet our exemption criteria may run ads that reference political content and/or prohibited advertisers under our political content policy, but may not include advocacy for or against those topics or advertisers.

What other X resources relate to this policy?

What do advertisers need to know about this policy?

Review our guidelines and make sure you understand the requirements for your brand and business. You are responsible for all your promoted content on X. This includes complying with applicable laws and regulations regarding advertisements.

If you are an advertiser whose account or Posts are under review and you would like to check on the status or request an expedited review, please log in to ads.x.com and file a support ticket using the Help button in the top right corner of your ads dashboard.

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