Integrating X with audience measurement partners (DAR and vCE)

In order to get started, you must first have an existing relationship with one of the following third-party audience measurement solutions:
Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR)
ComScore Validated Campaign Essentials (vCE)
Nielsen setup instructions
With a Nielsen account, take the following steps to connect a X campaign to DAR:
1. Ensure your Nielsen CMI account is enabled for X
Work with your Nielsen representative to ensure that your DAR account is configured for use with X.
2. Enable DAR measurement for your ads account
Ask your X representative to enable DAR for your ads account.
3. Create a new DAR campaign tag for X
There are 2 ways of generating a Nielsen audience measurement tag:
Work with your Nielsen Representative to request a tag
- Download tags from Nielsen’s self service tool: CMI. Be sure to select the X Integration.
4. Input the DAR tag into your tag library
To insert a DAR tag into a campaign, your first step will be to create a new tag in your tag library. To do so, navigate to and select “Tag library” from the “Tools” menu.

From here, click on “Create new Nielsen tag” to create a new DAR tag. This will bring you to a page where you can name your tag and input the tag URL from Nielsen.

Finish and save the tag. This will save the tag within X for you to apply to your X Ads campaigns.
5. Associate your tag with X campaign(s)
Once you’ve successfully created a new tag within your tag library, add it to new and existing campaigns via the campaign form. To do this, navigate to the campaign you want to measure. If this is a new campaign, select “Create new campaign” and select a campaign objective.
In the campaign creation form, note the “Show audience measurement options” link under the “Set up your campaign” section. Clicking the “Show additional options” link will open the “Audience measurement tag” option. This drop-down will allow you to browse and select a tag to associate with your X Ads campaign.
Please limit to only one audience measurement tag per campaign. If you add multiple tags to the same campaign, only the first one will be utilized. To use multiple tags, create an identical campaign with the other tag.

Finish completing your campaign setup and save the campaign. Selecting a tag will connect this X campaign (and the creatives within the campaign) to DAR. There is no need to apply individual tags to your posts.
Campaigns associated with a given tag can be viewed in your tag library.

Measuring performance
Once you’ve properly set up a DAR tag and added campaigns, you’ll receive campaign data in your DAR reporting. Please note that due to the nature of the separate reporting pipelines, there will always be some expected discrepancies between DAR reporting and the reporting available in the X campaign dashboard.
comScore setup instructions
With a comScore account, take the following steps to connect a X campaign to vCE:
1. Ensure your comScore vCE account is enabled for X
Work with your comScore representative to ensure that your vCE account is configured for use with X.
2. Enable vCE measurement for your ads account
Ask your X representative to enable vCE for your ads account.
3. Create a new vCE campaign tag for X
Contact your comScore representative and tell them that you want to set up reporting for a campaign on X. Your comScore representative will generate a tag URL for you to use on X.
4. Input the vCE tag URL into your tag library
To insert a vCE tag into a campaign, your first step will be to create a new tag in your tag library. To do so, navigate to and select “Tag library” from the “Tools” menu.

From here, click on “Create new comScore tag” to create a new vCE tag. This will bring you to a page where you can name your tag and input the vCE tag URL from comScore.

Finish setup and save the tag. This will save the tag within X for you to apply to X Ads campaigns.
5. Associate your tag with X campaign(s)
Once you’ve successfully created a new tag within your tag library, add it to new and existing campaigns via the campaign form. Note that if the tag is not applied to any X Ads campaigns, all campaigns within the ads account will be tracked.
In the campaign creation form, note the the “Show audience measurement options” link under the “Set up your campaign” section. Clicking the “Show additional options” link will open the “Audience measurement tag” option. This drop-down will allow you to browse and select a tag to associate with your X Ads campaign.
Please limit to only one audience measurement tag per campaign. If you add multiple tags to the same campaign, only the first one will be utilized. To use multiple tags, create an identical campaign with the other tag.

Finish completing your campaign setup and save the campaign. Selecting the tag will connect this X campaign (and the creatives within the campaign) to vCE. There is no need to apply individual tags to your posts.
Campaigns associated with a given tag can be viewed in your tag library.

Measuring performance
Once you’ve properly set up a vCE tag and added campaigns, you receive campaign data in your vCE reporting. Please note that due to the nature of the separate reporting pipelines, there will always be some expected discrepancies between vCE reporting and the reporting available in the X campaign dashboard.
Once a comScore-measured campaign is complete, make sure to delete the tag from the tag library to ensure no other campaigns are inadvertently tracked.
Frequently asked questions
Can I add, or piggyback, additional tags to my audience measurement tag?
No, you should only include the vCE or DAR tag in your tag library. Adding other tags will cause errors in the integration.
Can I use audience measurement with all campaign objectives?
Audience measurement will work for all campaign objectives, with the exception of Spotlight Takeovers, Moment Ads, and any objectives in private beta.
Is audience measurement available internationally?
Audience measurement coverage depends on the partner. Nielsen DAR is available for 24 countries, including the US and Canada. comScore vCE is only available for ad campaigns in the US, UK, Canada, and Spain.
Available markets for Nielsen DAR:
- Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Taiwan, United States, United Kingdom
Available markets for comScore vCE:
- United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Spain
How can I get more help?
File a X Ads support ticket or work directly with your Account Manager.