The holidays on X
Connect with X’s plugged in audience this festive season
The holidays on X
Connect with X's plugged in audience this festive season

Be the brand people talk about (and gift) this festive season
Festive talk is starting early — in 2021 the holiday conversation in August was up 61% vs previous year.1
+100M increase in total festive season posts in 2021 compared to the previous year.2
A recent X survey revealed that 76% of people agree that conversations on X result in a product purchase.3
Why people come to X over the festive period
To connect
Celebrate festive events with others and find funny seasonal content.
To get inspired
Source food and beverage recipes, tips and tricks and more.
To shop
Discover products, gifts, decor and more.
Source: The X Conversation Report. Post volume from July 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021. US only.

Source: The X Conversation Report. Post volume from July 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021. US only.
This is something every brand will probably hear, but planning ahead of time in order to maximize visibility during key moments that a brand can rely on is key to drive successful results. You don’t want to miss that perfect moment to interact with your potential customers.
Learn how to drive results this festive season
Not sure how to get started? Watch our webinars to learn from our specialists.

Festive success stories from around the world
Drive action with scroll-stopping formats
Whether you want to use video, images, or words – or some combination of the three – there's an X Ads format that will help put your business at the top of peoples' gift lists this holiday season.
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Agency resources and tips
1. Source: Internal X Data (8/1/20 - 1/4/21) and (8/1/21 - 1/4/22). Data retrieved May 2022. US only.
2. Source: Internal X Data (8/1/20 - 1/4/21) and (8/1/21 - 1/4/22). Data retrieved May 2022. US only.
3. X Shopper Behavior Survey, Sept. 2021. Agree/Somewhat Agree with the statement: “Conversations about products on X result in my purchasing a product.”
4. Graph gif source: The X Conversation Report. Post volume from July 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021. US only.