Musimundo Argentina
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Consumer electronics company Musimundo Argentina made a record number of sales by becoming a trending topic on Argentina's first Hot Sale day.
During the 2020 Hot Sale, technology and entertainment company @musimundo made a record number of online sales by getting their brand on Twitter Argentina's list of trending topics for 24 hours using Twitter's premium ad product Promoted Trends (now called Spotlight Takeover). They also strengthened their online presence with monthly Twitter Ads campaigns.
Campaign goal
Hot Sale is Argentina's largest online sales event. While it is being staged, @musimundo wanted to become Argentinians' first choice for electronics and entertainment purchases. They used the premium ad product Promoted Trends (now called Spotlight Takeover) to get a hashtag and a description trending on Argentinian Twitter for a whole day. When the country's Twitter users opened their profiles, they immediately saw that the #HotSaleEnMusimundo hashtag had become one of the most talked-about topics of the day.
The company also ran "Video Views" and "Website Clicks" campaigns during the month of the event to increase their reach and generate traffic to their website.
As the brand's audience is multitarget and reaches different age groups in Argentina, Promoted Trends (now called Spotlight Takeover) provided the brand with a major visual impact throughout the country.
We chose Twitter because of its excellent market penetration in Argentina and how good it is at making messages go viral.

Trend impressions
Mentions of #HotSaleEnMusiMundo
Keys to success
Twitter: a bridge between the client and the brand
@Musimundo doesn't just use its Twitter account to share promotions and offers, it also uses it to interact directly with its users, who use the platform to ask all kinds of questions.
Leveraging Twitter Ads tools
The brand used the results provided by Twitter's Ads Manager to plan their strategy. They analyzed the average user's behavior during sales events to generate content. They also kept Twitter Business recommendations in mind when creating their Tweets and used powerful formats like Website Cards (now called Website Buttons) to generate traffic.
Why Twitter
Twitter interactions are essential for @musimundo. The brand uses them to get to know the interests of its prospective customers. "Twitter is a network with very active users and, if we can make a positive impact on them, the loyalty rate is very high," said Musimundo's marketing team. The brand is currently working on increasing its follow count and turning its account into its main communication channel for promotions and offers.

We put a lot into promoting our brand and saw excellent results during the Hot Sale, which is also a time when all our competitors make big investments in communications. This strategy generated a significant increase in visits to our website and online sales, which led to a record-breaking Hot Sale for the brand.
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