Policies for conversion tracking and custom audiences
You can view available translations of this article by selecting a language in the bottom-right corner of this page. Translations are provided as a convenience, and are not meant to change the content of our policies. The English version will control and should be your reference in case of conflict between a translation and the English version.

This policy applies to X’s conversion tracking and custom audience products.
For more information about X’s paid advertising products, click here.
For information about X’s other policies, click here.
Why does X have a policy for these products?
X has additional rules for advertisers using X’s conversion tracking and custom audiences products.
These rules seek to ensure that people are informed when the websites, applications, or services that they use incorporate these products. These rules are also meant to help prevent the collection and use of potentially sensitive customer information, and to help prevent ads from being targeted to customers based on potentially sensitive information.
What are the policies for these products?
- Advertisers using these products in their mobile applications must provide their application customers with legally sufficient notice that they are working with third parties to collect customer data through their application for purposes of conversion tracking and serving ads targeted to customers’ interests, and obtain legally sufficient consent from their customers for these activities. These advertisers must also provide their customers with legally sufficient instructions regarding how to opt out of X's interest-based advertising.
- Advertisers using these products for their websites must provide their website customers with legally sufficient notice that they are working with third parties to collect customer data through their website for purposes of conversion tracking and serving ads targeted to customers’ interests, including the storing and accessing of cookies, and obtain legally sufficient consent from their customers for these activities. These advertisers must also provide their customers with legally sufficient instructions regarding how to opt out of X's interest-based advertising, including through an applicable opt-out mechanism specified by X.
X prohibits the creation of custom audiences or conversion events based on any sensitive information, including:
- Alleged or actual commission of a crime
- Health
- Genetic and/or biometric data
- Negative financial status or condition
- Political affiliation or beliefs
- Racial or ethnic origin
- Religious or philosophical affiliation or beliefs
- Sex life
- Trade union membership
- Advertisers may not create advertisements which assert or imply knowledge of personally identifiable or sensitive information, even when the ad has been created and targeted without using such information.
- Advertisers may not use these products in any website, application, or service directed to children under 13, or in any website, application, or service that collects or stores age information from individuals under the age of 13.
- Advertisers may not use these products in any case where the product, message, or service that the advertiser offers is otherwise prohibited by our Ads Policies.
How does this policy vary from country to country?
United States
Advertisers in the U.S. are permitted to create custom audiences and conversion events based on trade union membership, provided that the associated data comes solely from and relates solely to U.S. customers.
Advertisers certified to promote political campaigning advertisements in the U.S. may target based on political affiliation or beliefs, provided that the associated data comes solely from and relates solely to U.S. customers.
What do advertisers need to know about this policy?
Be honest with both the content of your ads and how you target them. Do not select targeting criteria that could reveal sensitive information about customers. Do not subject customers to advertising that is not relevant to your brand or product.
What other X resources relate to this policy?
Policies for keyword targeting
Have questions or feedback?
If you are an advertiser whose account or posts are under review and you would like to check on the status or request an expedited review, please file a support ticket here.
Learn more about blocking or dismissing ads by reading this article on “Reporting X Ads”. To report an ad that is potentially violating these policies, use the Report an Ad form.
Using our Ads Policy, the our Rules, and our Terms of Service, we will examine reported violations and take appropriate action.
If you are interested in advertising on X and want to learn more, please visit business.x.com.
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