Ads Policy: Housing, Lending, and Credit Opportunities

You can view available translations of this article by selecting a language in the bottom-right corner of this page. Translations are provided as a convenience, and are not meant to change the content of our policies. The English version will control and should be your reference in case of conflict between a translation and the English version.

  1. Ads Help Center
  2. Housing, Lending, and Employment Opportunities

This policy applies to all X’s paid advertising products. 

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For information about X’s other policies, click here.


X Ads provide a range of targeting options to help advertisers reach customers who may be interested in their content. This article describes a policy developed to help advertisers to achieve their targeting goals without compromising customers’ trust. 

Advertisers must adhere to this policy and all other X Ads Policies in order to advertise.

What’s the policy?

Advertisers of the following products and services must obtain pre-approval by first getting certified through this form.

  • Offers of housing to rent, sell, or buy
            - Certain related services including realtor services, home insurance, and mortgage brokerage services
  • Offers of credit

The above advertisers are prohibited from targeting ads on the basis of age, language, disability, familial status, civil or marital status, sex, race, color, national origin, religion, receipt of income from public assistance programme, exercise of rights under Consumer Credit Protection Act, or precise location (at the zip code level or more precise).

Where does this policy apply?

This policy applies to the US and Canada only. 

Advertisers offering the above products and services are subject to all other X Ads Policies including the Targeting of Sensitive Categories policy and Anti-Discriminatory Targeting Policy.

What other X resources relate to this policy?

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