Creating Promoted Ads FAQs

Having trouble creating a Promoted Ad? Read below for answers to the most common questions.
I can't select any posts/creatives to add to my campaign
You won't be able to add a post to your campaign if the post type is incompatible with the campaign objective. For example, we require a post to contain a video in order to be added to a video views campaign.
Please also note that only posts can be added to campaigns. To use a Card in a post, go to the Cards library from the "Creatives" drop-down menu, create a post using the specific Card, then add that post to a campaign.
If you're still unable to select posts and creatives to add to your campaign, try these basic troubleshooting tips:
- Clear your cookies and cache
- Try multiple browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari
- Retry using an incognito or private window in your browser
- Log out and log back into X Ads
- Disable browser extensions, like AdBlocker
I can't see the Campaigns, Creatives, Tools, or Conversion Manager tabs
If you do not see the Creatives, Campaigns, Tools, or Conversion Manager tabs, this is likely because your account does not have a valid payment method on file. These tabs will appear after entering a credit card; there is no spend required when you add a payment method. Learn how to add a credit or debit card.
Why is my image not loading properly?
If you experience an issue attempting to upload an image to your post or creative, make sure to check if you have AdBlock installed. If you have AdBlock installed, we recommend disabling it on our domain and attempting to upload the image again.
How do I delete a card?
At this time, it’s not possible to delete X Cards. However, to ensure that a Card is not used for a campaign, check that all posts containing that Card are not selected for use in the "Choose your creatives" section of your campaign.
I'm receiving a "Your post could not be posted" error
If you are receiving a “post could not be posted” error message, there could be a few reasons why:
If you're using an image in your post, it could be a sizing issue. Try resizing the image so the height is 1024px, and then trying to post the post again. See more ad specs here.
- You're using duplicate post copy. Our systems prevent duplicate copy from previous Promoted-only posts.
- Your URL contains more than 255 characters. Even if you have used a URL shortener within the post, the original URL must not contain more than 255 characters.
- You haven't finished setting up your X Ads account. In order to successfully set up and run a campaign, you must first add a valid payment method to your account. This can be done from either the "Add a new payment method" page or the "Billing history" page.
- Users creating posts must be granted "Can compose promotable post" access by the account administrator. Even if you were granted account admin status, this ability to publish and promote posts needs to be enabled separately. To do so, log directly into your account. In the drop-down menu under your account name, select "Edit access." Click on the account you wish to provide access to and select the "Can compose promotable posts" box. Please note that if you are not using multi-user login and are the owner of the ads account, you do not need this feature enabled to compose promotable posts.
What are the creative specifications for X Ads?
There aren't any one-size-fits-all specifications, as X is displayed on multiple devices, platforms, and screen resolutions. We recommend applying the most suitable image spec for whatever device you're targeting (i.e. mobile ads might be optimized for a 1.1 image, whereas desktop ads are better suited for a 16:9 image).
Find all of our creative ad specs here.