Create a website conversions campaign

Website conversions campaigns are optimized to generate conversions on your website from Posts targeted to specific audiences. 


Setting up your website conversions campaign

1. Log into your X Ads account.

2. Click "Create campaign" in the top-right corner of your Ads Manager.

3. Choose "Conversions" from the list of campaign objectives.

4. You'll be brought to the "Details" tab the campaign setup form. Here you will name your campaign, choose your funding source, and set budget optimization. 

5. Setup your first ad group. You can also set ad group start and end time, as well as budget (mandatory). 

6. The Web Conversions goal will be pre-selected. Next, you'll need to choose the conversion event you want the system to optimize towards in the Drop down menu. (PRO TIP: make sure to confirm your event appears as ACTIVE).

Note: You will need to set up the X Pixel or Conversion API and create events for the action(s) you want us to prioritize. If you do not have these set up, the prompts within the Ads Manager interface will guide you to complete setup to launch your Conversions campaign through Events Manager.

7. Under "Bid Strategy", select your preferred bid strategy among Autobid (recommended), Target bid or Maximum bid, and Pay By Impressions or Link Clicks. 
(PRO TIP: we strongly recommend that you set your Bid Strategy to Autobid (recommended) and Pay By impressions. These options will be pre-selected and were designed to deliver the best results for your campaigns).

8. Select the audience you'd like your ads to serve to in the "Targeting" tab of campaign setup. Learn more about our targeting options.

9. Choose the Posts you'd like in your campaign. You can also customize the X locations you'd like your posts to serve on this step.

10. Review your final campaign setup on the "Review & Complete" tab. If you'd like to add additional ad groups to your campaign, you can do so here.

11. Launch your website conversions campaign!


Conversion Tracking Best Practices

The X Pixel and/or Conversion API is required to use the new Website Conversions Optimization. We recommend that you ensure your Pixel and/or Conversion API are set-up properly & aligned with our best practices.


Ensure Conversion Event aligns with overall business goals

  1. Align your lower-funnel event to the overall objective of your campaign.
    1. Example: A news publisher has a goal to drive subscriptions -> They can set up a subscription event on the ‘subscribe’ button of their landing page. 
    2. Example: An e-commerce site has the goal to drive purchases ->This client can set up a purchase event on the ‘purchase’ button or the confirmation page. 

Check that your X Pixel is functioning properly 

  1. Ensure that your 1st-party cookie settings are enabled. 
  2. Upgrade your Pixel to the newest version
  3. Review real-time feedback of your X Pixel in our Pixel helper.
    1. The X Pixel Helper looks for website tag fires in the background and provides real-time feedback on the implementation, with information such as which website tags were fired and possible implementation mistakes.

Verify the status of your Conversion Events in Events Manager

  1. There are 3 status types for website conversion events. Confirm your event has been “active.” Read more here and please see the definitions below:
    1. Active: Activity has been detected within the last 24 hours.
    2. Inactive: Activity has not been detected.
    3. No recent activity: Activity has not been detected within the last 24 hours. 

Limit Redirects + Validate X Click ID (TWCLID) Persistence 

  1. X uses the URL parameter X Click ID (twclid) on your landing page to enable lower-funnel measurement. Ensure that X Click ID (twclid) remains in your URL upon landing on the website and there are no redirects that strip the twclid off the URL.

Base Code Inclusion on All Web Pages

  1. Include your base code snippet on every page of your website. Not including this on your pages results in reduced “Lower Funnel Click ID (LFCLID).” The base code tracks visits to a website and initializes the pixel so that you can track additional events via event code or create audiences using Audience Manager. 
    1. Learn more about base code tracking on our help center.

Manage Event Deduplication 

  1. X will count each lower-funnel event and will not deduplicate. If you use both Pixel and CAPI together, or you want to manage deduplication directly, use the “conversion_id” parameter. More can be found on our help center.
  2. Use “events defined by code” for lower-funnel events. A conversion type (e.g., Purchase or Download) should only be used once on your website. Creating several events of the same type leads to the division of event signals, which can impact campaign performance significantly.

Frequently asked questions

Web Conversions is a major rebuild of our Conversions optimization product that will improve the way we reach people who are most likely to convert on a lower-funnel Website action (e.g. purchase or add-to-cart). With this objective, advertisers can leverage X’s unique data signals to target and retarget customers with campaigns optimized to deliver cost-efficient conversions across platforms.

Advertisers may currently be leveraging “Conversion” objectives on competitive social platforms and/or utilizing “Traffic” objectives at X to encourage users to purchase on their sites. Overall, advertisers interested in driving users to their website to take an action should consider using Conversion Objective.

Advertisers must leverage either the X Pixel and/or Conversion API - along with at least one conversion event in Events Manager. To learn more please visit the Conversion Tracking for Websites page.

Ready to get started?